l.i.b.e.r.a.t.i.o.n. theory

love, life, and the pursuit of liberation

Confirmation and Winks

One of the ways I know I’m getting more spiritually balanced is that more winks come and they occur more frequently.

Recently, I’ve had two major ones and just thinking of them makes me all excited. You might recall that 1’s seem to follow me, often as 1:11 or 11:11 patterns. This happens so frequently, that I have a photo album dedicated to my many 1 sightings. Last week, a special person sent me on a birthday scavenger hunt that ended with a staycation at Le Meridian in Dallas. I walked up to my floor and saw that we are staying in suite 1111. At first, I thought that she chose the room because I’ve told her about how 1’s seem to follow me. It turns out she hadn’t, and that the desk attendant “randomly” chose it for her. Then yesterday, I’m chilling at the stoplight and happen to look down at my odometer. It reads 111.1 miles traveled on this tank of gas. I haven’t quite figured out the meaning of the 11’s but I do smile and know that God is with me every time they happen.



Yesterday, another major wink of a different kind occurred. I was working with my Assistant Principal to put together this teacher appreciation where we collaged and framed their favorite quotes that they had provided these during our summer staff development. Well, we had a new addition to the staff and about 15 minutes before I’m getting ready to present the frames to the teachers, I realize that I don’t have a quote for her. I ask her to quickly send me her quote so it doesn’t get left out. Fast forward about 20 minutes and I’m presenting the quotes to the teachers. Turns out that last quote is exactly the same as someone else’s. At this point, I smile but don’t think much more of it. Hey, things like this happen. Fast forward two hours, and I’m in my car riding home. The XM Praise station is on from earlier that morning and they are taking a moment to give an inspirational scripture. Would you know that it’s the EXACT. SAME. QUOTE. as the one that the two teachers had in common?? That quote came into my life three times in the past 2 hours. I cannot pretend that’s a coincidence.

jeremiah 29-11 #2

Photo Source 

So with that, I’m feeling secure and confident that I’m on the right path and that God is with me.

What winks are happening in your life?

4 comments on “Confirmation and Winks

  1. laniza
    September 19, 2013

    I, too, see 1s, particularly 11:11, all the time. We need a numerologist to comment, lol!


  2. weddedwife
    September 24, 2013

    Winks all around


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This entry was posted on September 19, 2013 by in 1's, birthday, coincidence, faith, synchronism, Uncategorized, when god winks and tagged .

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