l.i.b.e.r.a.t.i.o.n. theory

love, life, and the pursuit of liberation


just found out that testing and drugs for infertility are covered! just no services or supplies related to artificial insemination, etc!!

so now to find a lesbian friendly RE in texas….

4 comments on “eureka!

  1. Travelher
    August 28, 2008

    That’s super awesome! I’m sure there’s at least one ‘friendly’ RE out there…but damn, it is Texas. Good luck.


  2. Lisa
    August 28, 2008

    Lib- that’s fantastic. Yours is like mine. they pay up to diagnosis of infertility. So my meds are covered, the first u/s, and first round of bloodwork, etc. Do you have a gay pages in your area, kind of like the yellow pages? Maybe look for an OB and ask for referrals or ask your current doctor. Also just a word of caution… their testing and your insem for this cycle may not match up. The month they monitored and did all of my testing, I sat out. I had to go in on day 3 for bloodwork to test FSH, prolactin, etc and then go back on day of +opk for the u/s to see how many follicles I produce, lining, etc. You’ve already passed your day 3 of this cycle but you may still be able to get in before your u/s. If that’s the case, that would be fantastic because you could get a better sense of when you are going to ovulate. Good luck on your search. Keep us posted.


  3. Gia
    August 28, 2008

    What part of TX are you in? There is a girl from BBC that just gave birth and she is in TX also. I can ask her about her OB.


  4. Dana
    August 31, 2008

    My wife and I live in Houston area, I know you are further out but I think they have an office closer to ya’ll. We got preg. first shot and they are sooo family friendly…. Let me know and I can shoot you the info if you want it…


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